Market Briefing 57

Market briefing 57 – 31st January 2024


Market Briefing – Asset and market performance.

There are many different types of assets such as; shares in large companies, or small companies, bonds, gilts, utilities, gold, property and energy. How these assets perform each year indicates how the markets are performing but also shows that what has happened before doesn’t give any clues as to what might happen in the future.

Headlines from 2023

Oxford Children’s Word of the Year 2023 is ‘climate change’. ‘War’ was second on the list, followed by ‘coronation’ of King Charles III in the UK.

More broadly, the end of 2023 saw a news item that has incensed the UK public.

Although it had been in the public consciousness for over a decade, on four consecutive nights from 1st January (technically 2024 of course, but filmed in 2023), ITV screened the drama ‘Alan Bates vs The Post Office’.

Detailing the mysterious financial losses that led the Post Office to sack and prosecute village subpostmasters, the subsequent outcry, and its pace, has led to speedy investigations right up to Parliamentary select committee hearings.

More broadly, 2023 saw UK inflation, as measured by the consumer price index (CPI), starting at over 10% falling throughout the year to just over 4% at year-end (2). Correspondingly, interest rates across the globe were increased to combat these inflation changes.

Staying with economic matters, and in the light of 2023’s events, including higher inflation and interest rates, how have different asset types – for example equity sectors, bonds & cash, different geographical equities, and real assets – reacted and responded?

Read our latest Market Briefing to find out more.
Download your copy here.


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