More than money: Putting your clients on the right track
2.05.2024‘In truth, financial advice is so much more than just money’
Financial advice is about guiding clients to achieve their full potential and achieve a level of financial certainty which acts as a catalyst to them leading the life they want to lead, writes Roger Brosch
One of our adviser partners in the North East, Steve Dale, is the chairman of Wallsend Boys Club – a fantastic charity that provides a vital local community hub for young people and their families which some of you may have seen featured on BBC Football Focus a couple of weeks ago.
The club has a tremendous track record in producing professional footballers – 92 at the last count, with Alan Shearer, Peter Beardsley, Steve Bruce and Michale Carrick among them. An incredible feat for a local club.
However, what I really love about this charity is its ultimate goal, the driving passion that lies behind its motto: More than football. The club aims to help and educate local boys and girls through leisure activities; to guide them to achieve their full potential on or off the football pitch.
If the financial advice profession had a motto, it perhaps ought to be: More than money.
Read the full article on ProfessionalAdviser.