from home

Woofing-from home and reek-ing havoc


Being stuck indoors during the coronavirus pandemic might be sending us all a little bit mutts. During this ruff time, David Reekie, financial adviser at Foster Denovo, now has the pleasure of sharing his pawsh office with his dogs Nala and Skye. The pair are sisters and are two-and-a-half years old. Reekie claims they are very good girls (most of the time) but can be rather dogmatic at times.


David had been hoping to train them as secretaries and, although not the best at answering the dog and bone, they have proven themselves to be excellent at checking collar ID. Their husky voices have proven to be particular popular.

During this challenging time, it is important that we all maintain our pawsitivity and remember that this will not last furever.

Read the article in New Model Adviser.